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Francesco Luti's Profile

Francesco Luti (born in Florence, 1970) is a writer, Hispanist and literary translator. From a young age, he collaborated with newspapers and magazines (such as “La Nazione” and “Paese sera”), acting firstly as a freelance journalist and then later as an editor. Luti was awarded his Doctorate (European, cum Laude) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He originally graduated with a degree in Law from the University of Florence and later with a degree in Language and Literature (Spanish and Portuguese) from the University of Siena. For many years, he has written in magazines and periodicals in the academic and literary domain, in both Italy and abroad. He has also contributed to travel and lifestyle magazines, such as the National Geographic publication, Viajes. His  principal interests reside in research and teaching in the realm of literature and of comparative and intercultural studies. Beyond these, he remains interested in journalism, the world of publishing, the history of football, writing and translation. He became one of the leading translators of some of the main contemporary poets of the Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan lanaguages. Such poets include: Mario Benedetti from Uruguay; Lêdo Ivo, Vinicius de Moraes, Carlos Drummond de Andrade from Brasil; and Ángel González, Claudio Rodríguez, Pere Gimferrer, e José Agustín Goytisolo, Carlos Barral, y Jaime Gil de Biedma from Spain.
Some of his short stories have been translated and published in Spanish and Brasilian journals.
Luti has taught Spanish Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has given conferences, seminars and lectures in universities in Italy, Spain, Brasil and the United States. He has spent long periods in Ireland and Brazil and has lived in Spain now for a number of years.